Best Financial Planning Courses (2024)

Financial planning is an essential aspect of personal and business finance, which involves managing finances to achieve financial goals and objectives. In today’s dynamic and complex economic environment. Planning for one’s finances has become more important than ever. As such, individuals and businesses alike are seeking to enhance their financial planning skills to stay ahead of the curve.

It has led to the creation of numerous financial planning courses that cater to the diverse needs of learners. According to a survey, approximately 71% of Americans consider themselves financially literate. Listed below in this article, we will highlight the best financial planning courses. They are offered by reputable institutions and taught by industry experts.

These courses provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of financial planning concepts, tools, and strategies. They cover various aspects, including personal finance, business planning, tax planning, investment management, and risk management. Be that you are a beginner or an experienced professional, there is a course on this list that will suit your needs. Now, let’s dive deep into the best course to help you manage your finances.

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The Top 5 Financial Planning Courses (2024)

With financial markets and rules getting more complicated. It is necessary to learn the principles and techniques of financial planning to make informed decisions. “People can benefit from better education on financial planning. Knowledge gaps increase the wealth divide, which is amplified by the current macroeconomic pressures, at both a micro- and macro-level.” Michael Charles Borrelli. In 2024 here are the top financial planning courses to look out for:

Financial Management Capstone

The Financial Management Capstone course is a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA offered by the University of Illinois. It is at an incredibly competitive price. This course is excellent for individuals who want to develop their financial management skills and gain a deep understanding of financial management. The course covers essential topics such as:

  • Strategic financial management
  • Financial statement analysis.
  • Financial planning.
  • Investment analysis
  • Corporate finance.

The course is taught by Jeff Flesher from the University of Illinois and is designed to be hands-on and practical. The course is broken up into six classes. Which individually focus on different aspects of managing money. As students complete each module, they learn about different case scenarios. They can apply each lesson in support of practical business needs. The course involves practical approaches and applications. Some tasks involve creating a financial management plan for a global enterprise operating in a specific geographic region.

It is free to enroll on Coursera and self-paced, taking approximately eight hours to complete. Students must complete assignments and quizzes to finish the course. Where they receive a certificate of completion from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This course is an excellent choice for individuals who want to gain practical financial management skills and become proficient in this field.

Investing Fundamentals

Coursera offers Investing Fundamentals, an online course ideal for those who want to learn about different investment vehicles. Such as risk tolerance, diversification, and the difference between active and passive investing. The course is entirely online and self-paced, making it perfect for beginners in investing. Or individuals who want to be more active in their investment decisions. Taught by Lauren Anastasio from SoFi, the course entails four parts that cover:

  • The basics of investing.
  • Balancing risk and return.
  • Developing an investment strategy.
  • Understanding fees and taxes.

Enrolling in this course enables students to acquire knowledge in diverse personal finance topics, including budgeting, investing, and risk management. The course materials, such as readings, videos, and interactive activities, equip students with the skills to evaluate their financial position. And take proactive measures toward achieving their financial objectives. It is essential to note that this specialization caters primarily to learners based in the United States and can be completed in approximately 11 hours. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate of completion.

Making Money Freelancing

Making Money Freelancing is a course offered by CalArts designed to help freelancers integrate financial analysis and strategy into their businesses. The course covers accounting best practices by creating a budget and financial plan and setting financial goals with rates and prices backed by research. Divided into four sections, the course teaches students about successful freelancers. Making and managing money in their businesses, the importance of key business advisors. And professional tools, and making important financial decisions.

The course is taught by Tatiana Mulry. By the end of this self-paced course, students will learn how to operate their careers like a business. Overcome imposter syndrome and make smart financial planning and a solid business plan. The course takes approximately seven hours to complete. Participants finish the course and get a certificate from Coursera.

International Business Capstone

The International Business Capstone is the final course in the International Business Essentials specialization by the University of London on Coursera. Taught by Barry McCarthy, it prepares learners for how to apply knowledge gained from previous courses to real-world international business situations. The self-paced, online course covers five parts, including:

  • Fundamentals of business planning.
  • Financial statements.
  • Internal information.
  • Customer focus.
  • Managing performance.

Upon completion, learners will have developed an international business plan for a selected company, which can be used for potential employment or investor opportunities. The course takes about 11 hours to complete and offers a certificate of completion. Which can be used in the application process for the University of London Global MBA program.

The course is suitable for beginners and professionals and is entirely free. Providing hands-on experience in creating an international business plan.  The International Business Capstone is an excellent opportunity to apply international business concepts and frameworks. To actual business situations while being accessible to anyone interested in international business planning.

FinTech Risk Management

FinTech Risk Management, a course offered on Coursera by the University of Science and Technology. It is specifically made for finance professionals who want to develop their understanding of FinTech. The course is taught by Garvin Percy DIAS and Theodore Henry King CLARK. The course covers essential topics such as cybersecurity, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. Learners will gain a detailed understanding of the following:

  • FinTech.
  • FinTech foundations.
  • Security and regulation.
  • Risk management.
  • Disruptive innovation.

Students will develop the analytical skills and confidence necessary to make informed decisions in response to changes in the industry. Additionally, they will learn how to navigate the challenges of complying with financial requirements and government regulations, as well as strategies for analyzing FinTech risk.

The course is self-paced, and learners can complete it at their own pace, but it takes approximately 15 hours. The content is delivered through video lectures, readings, and quizzes. The course is suitable for beginners who are just getting into the FinTech industry. As well as individuals who want to learn about the risks associated with financial technology. Enrollment is free, and a certificate of completion is given.


Financial planning is an essential skill that individuals and businesses must possess to manage their finances effectively. The courses listed above are the best financial planning courses available in 2024. They can help you develop your financial planning skills.

These courses cover essential topics such as financial management, investing, freelancing, international business, and FinTech risk management. The courses here are a great place to start if you’re interested in improving your financial literacy. With the knowledge and skills you acquire, you can make better financial decisions and achieve financial independence.

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