How the App Market Benefit From AI Usage

The competition in the app market is getting more and more intense. To beat the competition, developers and marketers use AI to improve their products and make them more appealing to the target audience.

AI usage allows app development companies to optimize expenses, increase income, and boost profit. Here are five examples of how businesses can leverage Artificial Intelligence in their practice.

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AI-powered SEO Optimization

Content marketing is an integral part of app marketing strategy. If you want to promote your app online, you need to create content for your website, landing page, and blog and do it with SEO in mind.

AI-powered SEO tools like Surfer SEO, Frase AI, and MarketMuse change the content writing game. They simplify and optimize the process of keyword research and provide writing guidelines. The copywriters know exactly what words they should use and what topics they should cover to get their websites to the top of search results.

That’s how these tools work: they analyze top search results and define the keywords associated with high ranking. Also, they define the optimal number of headings, paragraphs, and text length.

By using AI in content marketing, companies can increase brand awareness and click-through rates. The more people know about the app, the higher the download rate will be.

AI Bots

AI bots are widely used in app marketing. Many companies add AI bots to their websites to engage users and help them learn more about the app. For example, website visitors can learn more about available plans and pricing options before downloading the app from the store.

Some newcomers use bots to post comments on the stores and increase the download rate. It’s considered an unfair marketing tactic, but still, many companies use it. The downside of AI bots: it makes it hard to be “a fair player” in the app market. 

For instance, Taimi, a bi dating app, tries to attract users by providing an outstanding user experience – the company grows the number of positive comments in a natural way. Despite all the effort, it can’t get as many comments as those apps that are promoted with the use of comment-posting bots.

AI Recommendations

The fun fact is that users don’t always know what exactly they want and need. Artificial Intelligence allows app developers to get to know users better than they know themselves. Later this information is used for marketing purposes. Let’s consider an example.

When new users sign up for TikTok, they choose categories of videos they want to watch. Let’s say a new user Emily has selected the following categories: cooking, travel, and sports. But what are her real interests? According to the AI-based recommendation algorithm, she watches videos about travel and sport but skips video recipes. Probably, Emily has been thinking about improving her cooking skill, but she is not genuinely interested in cooking. AI changes the recommendations in accordance with real preferences to drive engagement and boost retention. The result? Emily gets addicted to the app.

AI algorithms allow developers to create addictive apps. And it significantly simplifies the marketers’ work – it’s an easy job to promote an app that everyone is obsessed with.

AI Helps to Optimize Ad Spend

Even the best apps need to be advertised. And that’s another aspect where AI technologies come in handy. AI targeting allows app development companies to maximize their advertising efforts while keeping their expenses low.

Machine Learning algorithms track how users respond to the ads of company X and its competitors and forecast the results of the selected campaign. App development companies can effectively forecast their spending on advertising and manage their marketing budgets more wisely.

On top of that, AI provides businesses with a wide range of cross-selling and upselling opportunities. The algorithm allows to track users’ activity and offer paid features or other services based on their past activity, browsing history, and purchases.

Sentiment Analysis

Customer feedback is essential for product improvement and overall app success. But unfortunately, not all customers visit app stores to leave reviews specifying what they like and dislike about the app. At the same time, many users share their opinions on social media and other online platforms.

To collect more useful feedback, companies can use sentiment analysis. The AI algorithms can analyze all app mentionings on the web and define how users feel about the app, its new features, and brand image. Marketers can use this information to keep the branding strategy up to date and find ideas for product improvement.

Wrapping Up

The role of Artificial Intelligence in app development is hard to overestimate. AI helps to create better apps, make them “addictive”, and market them in the most effective way. Taking into account the fact that the AI industry keeps developing pretty fast, we expect that it will have an even more positive impact on the app market in the coming years.

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