Artificial Intelligence and Writing on the Web: Is AI Destroying Jobs?

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Since the rapid rise of artificial intelligence in various areas of the personal and professional world, a legitimate debate has arisen: does AI pose a threat to our jobs? Will it eventually replace certain jobs, such as copywriting? Do these new technologies represent the beginning of the end for the profession of web copywriter?

Web editors are not indifferent to these questions, especially with the emergence and consolidation of intelligent tools dedicated to content writing, such as copywriting robots. Faced with this problem, opinions remain divided. What is it really like?

Web Writing and Artificial Intelligence: The current situation

In recent years, the emergence and development of the Internet have led to an increase in the need for digital content. Consequently, the number of job offers for web writers, free essay writers, content creators, etc., has increased.

However, in the face of the evolution of artificial intelligence, newsroom professionals are perplexed by a technology that some see as a threat. 

In fact, the progress made in the automatic production of texts seems to endanger the human contribution to the profession of web editor.

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

The acronym AI refers to Artificial Intelligence. The technology brings together all the techniques, methods, and doctrines intended to enable machines and robots to simulate a form of human intelligence to varying degrees. 

AI: How does it work?

Programs that have a common denominator: machine learning. This technology makes it possible to store a large amount of data, usually complex, inside a virtual brain or neural network. These neural networks that underlie artificial intelligence obviously try to mimic the functioning of our brains. This is precisely why we talk about intelligence. Artificial intelligence can be strong or weak. The first includes machines capable of acting intelligently, capable of assimilating abstract concepts and complex issues and having a true consciousness close to the feelings experienced by humans, such as empathy.

The second form of AI refers to machines that are limited to solving more basic problems, so they fall into the category of weak artificial intelligence.

Once strictly a matter of science fiction, artificial intelligence has managed to creep into every level of our existence as technology facilitates human life and practices. The possibilities of AI now seem limitless. 

In fact, in the space of a few years, we have gone from simple chatbots and virtual assistants to the inclusion of artificial intelligence in sensitive and strategic sectors such as the military and medical.

The fields of action of AI in web writing

Web professions are not spared from the entry of AI technology; quite the contrary. For any SEO web copywriter, it is possible to use artificial intelligence as a writing aid (not as a substitute).

In fact, thanks to the possibilities it offers for keyword research, AI can help enrich a text at the semantic level and generate ideas to develop… 

But AI in copywriting is not limited to keyword research. It is developing on a large scale and at high speed and is becoming increasingly important in the copywriting business, especially through the use of copywriting assistants, copywriters, etc. This is made possible by NLG (Natural Language Generation), which is the software technology that makes it possible to generate customized content, requiring little or no human intervention. As you can see, many ways exist to use AI for editorial purposes. 

It can be an important ally for bloggers, influencers, and site owners who are short of writers, but it can also serve as a complementary tool for web editors and copywriters who are short on time, or inspiration, or prone to white page syndrome. Indeed, web writing professionals can use artificial intelligence to draft, translate, proofread, and rephrase their various written productions more quickly. This contributes directly to improving the writers’ output and, simultaneously, the web content of the various platforms.

Copywriters: artificial intelligence at the heart of web copywriting

In fact, AI-assisted copywriting, also known as automated copywriting, is an asset for optimizing content composition for the Internet.

AI-assisted copywriting is a form of automated copywriting. It is a writing process performed by a machine, independently or in conjunction with a human. This process is not limited to writing but also includes automatic proofreading, translation, or transcription of a text. 

The advantage of a writing robot is that it can generate texts in a minimum of time. This tool makes it possible to write (or rewrite) articles quickly, considerably limiting human intervention in the writing process. 

Strength or threat to web publishers?

AI is revolutionizing the speed, quality, and, therefore, the cost of content production.

As a web publisher, you will be able to produce more text in a time that would be unimaginable without the use of artificial intelligence. As a result, you will be able to generate more content and therefore earn more faster and with less effort.

It is also worth mentioning that AI is capable of delivering a wide variety of content on all kinds of topics, customizable, and responsive to all kinds of issues, such as those in the automotive, banking, finance, insurance, distribution, and retail sectors…

Moreover, thanks to NLG and NLP (Natural Language Processing), automated writing tools are now able to produce texts with an original and relevant writing style, human syntax, and vocabulary. 

When machines and their modern technologies appear, they create new ways of working, which can always seem like a threat to workers. This has always been the case, and it is no exception for web editors. In fact, it is well known that change is a cause of anxiety and is perceived as threatening and disruptive. 

But like any new work process, it’s up to you to make it your ally or your enemy. It must be said that AI can be a double-edged sword in the world of web copywriting. In fact, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the technology, and adapt it to your needs and goals, to get the best out of it.

Writing assistance allows the writer to optimize his work method. But if he decides to turn his back on this technology, he risks falling behind new market practices and losing the opportunity to evolve at the pace of technology.

In short, it is important to ensure that the need for publishers does not dissipate as long as the Internet and Internet users exist. However, with the advent of AI in the field, new practices will be adopted. It will only be necessary to prepare for change in order to adapt to it.

Valuable help for the writer

It is clear that artificial intelligence is inevitable, especially in the web content business. It’s just a matter of riding the wave at the right time, of being receptive to the change and the mutations it could imply in the publishing world. 

This leaves plenty of time for the more skeptical to retrain and apply their knowledge innovatively.

In fact, in-house training (or career training for freelancers) plays a more decisive role in everyone’s career progress (especially web publishers).

In companies, it makes it possible to develop an employee’s expertise or to reorient services according to the emerging and future needs of the company. The ability to learn during one’s career and adaptability have become crucial notions in the world of employment. Therefore, it is possible and even advisable for web editors to learn to work alongside and train with smart tools rather than trying to fight them as if they were the dreaded enemy. 

For less experienced editors, smart writing tools are a valuable aid in improving their text production. They enable them to write better articles, using the same techniques and lexicons as professionals. 

For more experienced writers, writing robots and other artificial intelligence-based programs can help them improve their performance, take on more projects and diversify their ideas and sources of inspiration. 

AI-assisted copywriting is, therefore, an effective way to create articles quickly and with an irreproachable quality-price ratio.

AI: the web editor’s friend

Some AIs are already a valuable aid to web writing and are highly appreciated by SEO copywriters. This is the case for software used to generate keywords or enrich a text’s lexical field so that search engines better reference it. These intelligent tools are appreciated and adopted by copywriters. 

In other words, artificial intelligence is far from being a technology to reject, avoid or destroy work and is not the enemy of the web copywriter.

Through the various intelligent tools geared toward web writing, artificial intelligence simply offers remarkable assistance and a vehicle for improvement and growth for professional copywriters. Whether through writing assistance tools, robot writers, or dedicated keyword and lexicon software, most SEO agencies and web writers employing automated writing services will become increasingly popular as they will be the most efficient and reliable.  


Although the evolution of writing robots and writing assistance software is phenomenal, they are still far from perfect. Intelligent writing assistance software is not yet advanced enough to replace humans. 

In fact, writing some texts requires intellectual complexity and creative energy. Moreover, critical sense, analytical and associative skills are more than necessary for some research or formulations. So many prerequisites that are not yet within the reach of AI.

Because of its lack of empathy, imagination, and capacity for judgment and criticism, AI is not yet fit for trials comparable to human productions. In short, AI is not likely to replace web writers in the near future!

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